Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Baby on Board STILL!

I have made it to twelve weeks...yay!!!! We had a very simple doctor’s appointment last week where we heard the heartbeat to confirm that our little guy/girl is hanging in there. I was secretly hoping that they wouldn’t find the heartbeat easily so I would get to have another sonogram but fortunately she found the heartbeat (in the 160’s) with ease.
However, I lucked out and am really excited that I got my NT Scan scheduled for next Thursday and the BEST part about it is that my insurance has come through for once in my life and is going to cover something! We wouldn’t have been able to afford the scan without insurance coverage. The appointment involves a sonogram to check a couple points that could be indicators of downs and some blood work. Some people have gotten lucky and actually found out or got a pretty good guess at what the sex was during these scans. I am sure hoping this is the case with us!!!!!
I have been feeling tired and queasy and just down right LAZY.  All I want to do is lay on the couch and that really isn’t like me. We are usually outside gardening, riding bikes, playing baseball, etc. This has not been the case for the last four weeks or so. I feel so bad but Kent and Cade have both been great about picking up the slack for me. My queasiness is getting better so hopefully my fatigue is out the door with it. I have had some pretty hefty cravings. It’s amazing how strongly you feel like you have to have that one particular food item or all will NOT be well. I have been lucky enough to always get my cravings fulfilled so that hasn’t been bad.Thanks Kent!
My biggest complaint so far about pregnancy is my change in napping. If you know me at all, you know I love to nap.  Now, I can completely relate to all the “non nappers” out there. After I nap, I feel completely out of it. I feel like I never even slept. It takes me a good thirty minutes to come out of the awful fog that naps now leave me with. I hope this changes soon. I adore naps and would like to keep it that way.
Emotionally, I have been doing pretty well (Kent might say otherwise) and I will quickly knock on some wood. I have only had a few moments of weird emotional/semi-psychotic breakdowns.
One of them being when Kent walked in on me watching a show about this girl with Progeria, a type of disorder where children age quickly and are very small. They had just been discussing the fact that the daughter couldn’t get into the water because she couldn’t regulate her body temperature. As I started contemplating this sad situation, tears began to well up in my eyes. I think that would have been the end of it until I hear Kent coming up the stairs. “On no! Don’t cry! It’s okay,” I say to myself over and over. Kent reaches the top of the stairs looks at the TV looks at me, looks at the TV, looks at me. Before he can even ask me, “Why are you watching this?” Because I knew that was going to be his next words, I start blubbering, “She can’t eveennnnn gooooo swimminnnnggggg.” Then by the look on his face, I can tell he is already thinking I have lost it. So what does any person who has really lost it do…start laughing hysterically in the middle of crying hysterically. Now, I really have his wheels churning. 

At lunch the other day I saw a random act of kindness and it made me cry. It was just a man giving a homeless man some tacos and a Gatorade but they talked and laughed and smiled until the light changed. The interaction was simple, genuine, and changed the day of at least three people. My next thought as I saw him walk away to find some shade under the bridge was that this homeless man was someone's little boy.   This made me cry the most. On a lighter note, there was this the Barnes household... I kinda had a tantrum over a salad from CiCi's but those details are blurry. ;)
I have lost three pounds since I went to the doctor the first time and about 8 pounds since I first found out. That should be changing too. However, even with the weight loss, I have managed to start showing a little. The evidence makes me extremely happy!


  1. yay I love this blog! and i love the picture. i hope you remember to take lots of pictures and share them so i can watch you grow!

    love you and that little butterbean in your belly!

  2. yes, you are showing! and you are beautiful. i love your story of the random act of kindness!
