Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today is your Dad and I's 3rd Anniversary. I don’t remember the day I met your father. We were friends long before love crossed our minds, well at least mine. We hung out together through friends fairly often. He seemed like a nice, QUIET guy, with the sweetest smile.  He actually worked right down the road from me for a very long time. I remember him being there for me when I went through some rough times and I the same for him. But still not once did I ever think of what the future might have in store for us all.  This frame of mind would go on for years until one day, as it would work out, we were both single and in different places in our lives. This is the day that everything changed; this is the day I remember meeting your father.

It was the Summer of 2005, (okay let me start this over that sounds so cheesy) We were swimming at our friend Jackie’s house and your dad brought Cade over, just a wee little guy then, to swim.  I had so much fun playing with Cade and your dad. In a matter of hours, I saw something in him that was very special. We laughed and talked a lot. I was supposed to go home that evening and go out with friends. As everyone was ending our pool day, I didn’t want to leave because I was still interested in this person  I saw in a different light.  We lingered around longer than everyone else and hinted around about maybe breaking our plans and staying together a little longer, but of course not in so many words.  We did end up spending more time together that evening and basically every evening thereafter.

I was fresh out of a relationship and was far from looking for anything serious and really wanted to be single for a while. I would definitely advise the same for you if you were ever in the same situation. I had just rented an apartment in downtown Fort Worth and was trying to have reflection time but sometimes you don’t have control over these things. The more I tried not to get involved the more I was.  We both went through some hard times and major adjustments in the beginning but these things all made us closer in such a short period of time. We learned early on not to let the junk that life throws at you get between you.

 Before I knew it, our love had grown, we found ourselves dreaming of getting married and what a happy day that would be and it was the happiest day of my life as of yet.  Shortly after getting married, we started dreaming of you. I want you to know before you even greet us how much I love your father and how much your father loves me. Together I hope we can be a good example and we will give you all the love you need.  I am going to make a slideshow for you and your father so you can see our life before you.

Kent, thank you for a wonderful three years of marriage. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you. I love you. Happy Anniversary.


  1. awe I love it you guys! so many mildstones in a short period of time! love yall and happy annivesary!!!!!!!

  2. great job faith! i bet this caused a few tears from kb. :) love you guys! happy anniversary!

  3. LOVE Y'ALL! happy anniversary. baby girl barnes has two great parents.
